Online Teaching Tools

How do I do it?

The purpose of this page is to collate all of the online teaching material that we have as a staff. If we have to teach our students at home we may as well learn how to do it from home as well. There are a number of tutorials on how to teach from home on this page already, however, if you have great material that you would like to add please send it to and it will be posted here.

Expectations around lockdown teaching (from 2021)

Obviously teaching from home presents a whole different set of challenges that most of us have not been faced with before. The guidelines for expectations are outline here.

Expectations for Online Learning at Kāpiti College

There are a number of different functions that Google Meet can provide. Click here for detailed lessons on how to use Google Meet.

We are all pretty familiar with how Google Docs works. However, follow this link for some basic tips and tricks on how to use it to communicate and collaborate with kids.

Lots of us will want to have a go at screen casting over the next couple of weeks

If you need a refresher on how to use Google Classroom there are some tutorials on the good stuff here:

Check out JG's Guides to Education Perfection here

Flipped Classroom Intro

Flipped Classroom

Check out RH's guide to how to 'flip' your classroom