Google Sites

Why use Google Sites?

It is easy. Really easy. While Google Classroom is excellent, information tends to get lost in the stream as you post. So, if you are a regular poster kids find it hard to find your stuff. A personalised web page enables you to put all of your teaching resources in one place in easy to understand way. 

What can you make? .webm

What does a Google Sites web page look like?

Click on the video to the left for a guided tour of TC's Lock Down Room. A website made to support the learning of TC's classes during lock down. 

Creating a Google Site

This instructional video will take you through where to find Google Sites and how to generate your first blank website. 

Finding and creating your first website.webm

How to set the look for your website

All of the demonstration videos below show the creation of this website

Choosing a theme for your website.webm

Choosing a theme

In this lesson you will learn how to choose a theme that will be generate the way that your website will look. 

Laying Out Your Website

Building your page. The Basics. .mp4

 Layout and Text tools

This vidcast teaches you how to insert stock layout tools and how to insert and format text

Image Carousel .webm

Image Carousel

This vidcast  demonstrates how to insert an image carousel into the home page of your website.

Links to Content Pages.mp4

Links to content pages 

In this vidcast you will learn to complete your home page by generating buttons on your home page which link you to your content pages 

Creating Content Pages

Creating content pages.webm

How to create a content page

In this video you will learn how to create content pages that can be easily navigated to from your home page. 

Laying out a content page.webm

How to layout a content page

In this vidcast you will learn how to lay out a content page that has links to your teaching content. 

Creating Subpages.webm

Creating Subpages under your content page

This vidcast will teach you how to create a subpage that is linked off your content page

Building Subpages

Building a subpage lesson sequence.webm

Building a lesson sequence