Education Perfect

JG's Guides to Education Perfection

EP - making a class and adding students to it

How to make a class and add students

The starting point, this takes us through how to set up your Education Perfect classroom. 

JG's Guide to Education Perfection

This is a detailed guide to how to set and monitor tasks on Education Perfect. It include sheep photos. 

Education Perfect - how to set a task

Add or remove a teacher from your EP Class

Learn how to add and remove teachers to/from your EP class. Thanks for the link Simar. 

How to get a report for an individual student

How to give feedback on student work

Checking an Individual Student's Work

Check out what a student has been up to. You do not have to be their classroom teacher. 

Add yourself to a class as a teacher

For TA's this will allow you to very quickly see what tasks have been assigned to a class and how much work students have completed) 

Look at what work has been set

These instructions show what work has been set. They are only for people who are assigned teachers in that class. 

Finding old or missing tasks

as a teacher NOT as a student 

What the students see

And how students can find old tasks

Viewing your department's EP usage

Primarily for HoD's or anyone else interested in seeing how much the school or different departments are using Education Perfect